Friday, October 26, 2007

Vocabulary today

tolerance (1) - N. - การยอมรับความคิดเห็นของผู้อื่น
Syn. :: lenity; liberality; forbearance; mercy; sufferance

abusive (1) - ADJ. - ซึ่งไม่ถูกต้อง
Syn. :: corrupt
Example :: Mr Brown rejected the statement as abusive financial practices incomplete and inadequate, abusive without being convincing.

incitement - N. - การยั่วยุ
Syn. :: motive; stimulus; provocation

swear (2) - VI. - สาบาน
Syn. :: attest; affirm; vow
Example :: I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

profanity - N. - ความไม่นับถือพระเจ้า

appropriate (1) - ADJ. - เหมาะสม
Syn. :: suitable; fitting; proper
Syn. :: inappropriate; improper; unsuitable
Example :: Make sure your clothes are appropriate to the situation or people may get the wrong impression.

disturbance - N. - การรบกวน
Example :: The disturbance caused people to run into the street.

annoying - ADJ. - น่ารำคาญ
Syn. :: bothersome; irritating; vexing
Syn. :: pleasing
Example :: Isn't it annoying to have your hair that long?

sneak (1) - VT. - แอบพาไป
Syn. :: run; smuggle

sneak (2) - VI. - ทำลับๆ ล่อๆ
Syn. :: creep; glide; tiptoe

sneak (3) - N. - คนชอบทำลับๆ ล่อๆ
Syn. :: snitch; slinker; weasel

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